Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cranes Apple Orchard

We have had some beautiful fall days here in Michigan. The leaves are so pretty and the smell of fall is in the air. Last night we went with Josh's parents to go pick apples at Cranes Orchard. Have you ever been to BFE? Cranes is then about seventeen miles past that. It is so far away! We picked a bunch of apples from the trees, and today I am going to attempt to make apple crisp from them. Nothing like eating an apple freshly picked from the tree. They are delicious.

We also are closing the pool down, and putting the massive black cover over it. It makes our back yard look so depressing and ugly. I do not even want to think about all the trees losing their leaves. Winter is so long here. At least I have my fellow bloggers to keep me company:-)


Michelle said...

Hi Jamie!
I'm glad you are making the most out of your favorite season :) Maybe I would enjoy fall more I got out and did some sort of activity? (in addition to blogging of course)

MiniMe Mom said...

I don't know...blogging is pretty fun! Have you ever been to Post Family Farms? If not, your kids would have a great time and it is not that expensive. I have missed you in the blogging world, are you officially back?

Michelle said...

Well, I haven't brought my computer in yet. It works, just no audio. So I am temporarily back in the blogosphere.

MiniMe Mom said...

I liked your reruns. I actually have not read some of them yet and they were fun to read. One of them was right next to Stacy finding out about the triplets, crazy how fast that went...How are they doing?