Thursday, October 12, 2006

81 degrees

This morning, I woke up and looked out the window and thought, "You've GOT to be kidding me." For all you Californians out there, we had snow on the ground. As the day progressed, it only got worse. It is now full-blown snowing outside. I had to haul out my winter jackets, gloves, and hats. Josh then promply informed me that it is 81 degrees in Redlands, nice and sunny. I actually know right where this picture was taken. I used to have to drive by it when I worked at Applebees in Redlands. There are about a thousand of those skinny palms in rows at the base of the mountain along the freeway... We used to have two in our front yard. Pointless trivia about palms: they lose their leaves, and they come down hard! I saw one dent the car parked in front of me, and I have been hit by the end of a falling one.

You know, I should have been prepared for this. All weekend it was in the forecast. But, I was in denial. I thought, no way, it has been so nice out. Wow, was I wrong. Why can't the weathermen be right when they predict sunshine, but they are always right when they predict snow or rain. I digress...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had a palm tree fall on me too. It did not hurt, but scared the heck out of me.