Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Why's of Life

Everywhere I turn lately, there seems to be death....From far away-the tornado, the deadly bus crash, to close by- one of my frequent blog commenter's, Joan, dad is dying after her mom just passed away two weeks ago.

It makes me stop and think about the why's of life. Why the suffering, Lord? Amazing how God always leads you to a great devotional when your heart searches for answers.

I read about the murder of John the Baptist, whom Jesus said "Among these born of woman there has not risen anyone greater." I know I have thought to myself why God would have allowed such a senseless death to occur, and for such a seemingly stupid reason. However, any questions as to why are met with silence in the Bible. No explanation like we offer these days like, "Well, I am sure God had a great reason or a higher purpose for allowing him to die." It says that Jesus just slipped away to mourn privately. I am sure if there was any great, significant reason for John to die that way, Jesus would have explained it.

You know how you click on a blog and it takes you to another blog? By the time you click five or six times, you have no idea how you got to the resulting blog? I ended up Here, reading about Katie. One of the eight that said goodbye to her mom, a tornado preventing her from ever return home. I am sad for her family, for my friend Joan who is now saying goodbye again. I have no platitudes for you- only to say that soon, now, very soon. God will dwell among his people, and we will discover why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like how you said there is no explanation offered...these days we are always trying to explain things away and sometimes...lots of times, silence is enough.

P.S. Great header and I love that last family picture! Was Kayden sleepy?