Friday, April 24, 2009

Walk of Shame

"Let's just go for a little walk around the block", Josh said to me this evening after dinner.

After loading Bryce into the stroller, and knocking over three bikes while pulling out the hot wheel, we were on the way.

Turning onto this street, then that one. Winding around finally green lawns.

Kayden took great delight in riding ahead. I am sure each neighborhood we passed enjoyed my screams for him to stop when I felt he had gone too far.

Matter of fact, Melo made the journey tonight. What a joy it was, along with my screaming, to hear his high pitched yelp each time we passed a house with a dog.

An inconspicuous bunch, that Bird clan.

The "around the block walk" turned into the walk to Caledonia, and suddenly I realized a bathroom break was necessary.

Because its just so convenient to have a bathroom emergency two miles from home.

Halfway back to our house, when even the bush was looking friendly, I asked Josh how much longer. We had twisted and turned through so many streets, I had no idea where we were.

"Fifteen more minutes", he said and I grimaced.

Then suddenly, a loathed article of clothing yesterday became an unexpected comfort.

Bright Blue, with "See God" scrawled across the front.

Oh yes, the very same shirt I had sputtered and complained about clothing K with yesterday.

(Grandparents Day at preschool-I was embittered that his "Grandparents Day" scrapbook page would be clad with said t-shirt. The very same scrapbook that has oh-so-many pages completed, but it is the possibilities, right?)

I did the unthinkable, according to Josh. I invited myself in to use the bathroom. Thank God for those blue nuggets or I would have never know they were friends. And by friends I mean people that know of Josh and think I am only semi-crazy for using their bathroom.

and not really knowing where I live.

The last half of that walk back was so much more enjoyable than the first.

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