Sunday, November 25, 2007


We had our small group over yesterday evening. Josh and I were running a bit late, so instead of cleaning as we perhaps should have. I shoved in drawers, cupboards, closets, anywhere that was close by and had space.

I found spice drops in my knife drawer, a sippy cup in my pots and pans, and a medium-sized dump truck in my fake corner plant. I still cannot find thank you cards that need to go out tomorrow.

....lesson learned.


Laurie said...

I've heard the oven is a great place to hide stuff too. I bake too much so I would probably preheat the oven and cause a small fire!

I also once misplaced some U of M football tickets in a cleaning frenzy. I found them in the linen closet folded in some towels. Such a logical place to put them ...

Jen C said...

Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a creative organizer ;)