Sunday, April 25, 2010

Brotherly Love


That is pretty much how I would describe my vision of having two boys.

I thought there would be lots of playing ball and trains together, peppered by occasional fighting.

It's not really like that. I am not sure if it is the age difference or what, but they fight....a lot. They fight over toys, cars, balls, who is first, who is last, who gets buckled in the car seat first, who is last getting out of the car. You name it, they compete over it.

If they are in the same room for a period of time, guaranteed there will be bickering.

I have gotten used to it. Accepted it. Realized my vision was not at all reality.

Then tonight, it was as if a cloud lifted and they actually spent a considerable time playing together. Throwing the ball to one another, taking turns jumping on me, dancing with each was glorious and just as I imagined it would be.

Kayden even pulled Bryce into his lap and told me to go grab my camera.

and I happily obliged.


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. We have had many, many fights at our house as well. Some of the boys just get along and others just LOVE to pick on or fight with each other. I'm hoping that as they get older there will be less fighting and more playing together.

Unknown said...

BTW - Cute pictures, love the first one. :)

Cheryl said...

Guess what? My two oldest fight too - and we have a boy and a girl. They compete over EVERYTHING. "Mommy, she got more popcorn than me!" "Mommy, Sawyer got a fruit snack and I didn't and it's NOT FAIR! and so on. The crowning jewel was the day we were at the outlet malls and she threw up all over herself b/c she had some kind of stomach bug. I cleaned her up, and then David had to take her to sketchers, b/c Sawyer got a pair of shoes and she wanted one too!

Pictures are ADORABLE!

Laurie said...

Ahhh brotherly love. I try to remind my two girls that God only gave them one sister so they better treat each other better but they usually respond to that by either rolling their eyes or trying to hit one another when I turn around. :)

Love the pic.

MiniMe Mom said...

Cara-thanks:-) I am hoping that same thing- that as they get older, they will get along better. Wishful thinking? I am not sure yet.

Oh, Cheryl. Misery loves company, so that is good to hear. I thought maybe it was just because they are boys. That is so funny that even though she had the stomach bug, she had to go get a pair of shoes. Thatta girl!

Laurie- I will have to remember that line and see if that works for the boys. Josh's mom always said "What are you guys going to do when we are dead and gone? You will be all each other have in this world, so you better get along!"

Simply Lovely Gifts said...

Love love love that first picture Jamie! And I'd be willing to bet they're getting it all out of the way early & will be the best of friends soon.

MiniMe Mom said...

Thanks for the positive thinking- I am going to remember that they are just doing it to get it out of their system. They won't fight forever, right?? Right?!?

It is funny because I just checked out your old Simply Lovely Gifts blog and you were blogging about fighting! Small world:-)

natalie said...

adorable pictures Jamie!