Monday, January 12, 2009

The Battle of the Wills.

One 24 ounce bag of chocolate chips was the culprit. Somehow, it found it's way to the floor, strewn about like some little boy had dumped the entire bag upside down.

Sick of picking up toys/food/spills/messes again and again, I consulted with said little boy.

"Did you dump that bag of chocolate chips?"

"No, you dumped it out Mom!"

First Round Time Out, 2 minutes

Out of time the little boy came, thinking it was quite pleasurable to play with 24 ounces of chocolate chips. Roads were being paved, baskets were attempted into Bob the Builder lunch box...picking up was quite fun.

For about 6 oz.

Second Round, Time Out, 2.5 minutes

Upon entering round two time out, little boy kicked over Bob, the collector of chocolate chips.

Back to 24 oz.

Another 45 minutes of picking up ensued, with lots of encouragement from mom in the form of yelling. The end of Round Two pickup left melted, sat-on chocolate chips on little boy buns, messy fingers, and a steel resolve from mom that she was NOT going to pick up one chip.

Upon noticing Mom's eyes were getting droopy, little boy pounced and tipped over 14 ounces of chocolate chips into the dump truck nearby. "Oh What Fun!", the little boy proclaimed.

"Pick them Up", said the Mom.

Off to Bed, went the boy, for Round Three Time Out when he disagreed.

Round Four started with 14 ounces of chocolate chips back into Bob. Current Time elapsed is well into the 100 minute mark. Tag-team commenced with Daddy's arrival, just in the nick of time. Mom's patience was running out.

Round Five and Six Time Out came with Daddy at the helm, but Mom did not pick up one chocolate chip.

What a sweet victory indeed.


Kami/The Elegant Elle said...

The patience of a Saint I tell ya....

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmm....Chocolate Chips...

I hope they were the Milk Chocolate kind, or even better, the ones with caramel in them!

I'd have had the kid picking them off the floor and putting them into my mouth.