Monday, October 22, 2007

Birthdays+Birds=Big Deal

Three years ago today, I was holding this:

Fast forward to today, I can barely hold this:
Kayden's third birthday came with a total buy out of the Cars section at Target. Almost every present, except for the new bike from Grandma and Grandpa, came with a Pixar price tag.

Tuckered out at Seven o'clock-- I can hardly believe it!

I leave you today with a moral dilemna faced at Meijers. I bought Cars balloons at a party store a few weeks ago in preparation for the big day. Wanting only to get them filled, I asked to pay for the helium only--as I had done the previous week for a Hannah Montana balloon (also bought elsewhere). The teenager filled the ballons, and did not "get" the concept of charging me for filling them. Back and forth we went-- four or five times me asking to pay for them, him not understanding.

Finally, he wrote on a slip, "No Charge for Helium", handed it to me and said that he had never heard of such a thing.

Knowing I had paid for helium previously, I felt wrong leaving the store. I hung my head sheepishly as I left, feeling like security was going to chase after and knock me down for stealing.

Would you have pressed it further?


Katie said...

Happy Birthday Kayden!!!

That is probably what Nicholas' next birthday party will be like too :)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Kayden!!

You're just used stealing Applebee's helium.

MiniMe Mom said...

That is true! I did that!

I remember having no problem stealing other things from Applebees either LOL

Part of my guilt came from this guy being disabled. At least I did not steal your Coca Cola.

Michelle said...

I would not have pressed the issue. Meijer has mistakenly taken more of my money and probably yours at one time or another, don't sweat it. Maybe next time you can pay for it. :)

Michelle said...

Jamie, hannah montana? say it ain't so!!!!

MiniMe Mom said...

Lacie's birthday was two weeks ago, and she loves Hannah Montana.

Mary said...

We all stole Appleshits' helium, best part about working there (well almost;) )

I've worked in that school since the great Coke incident and keep my lunch close to my side now.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kayden! I love your little hair do!

I wouldn't have pressed the issue either...It sounds like you did your part in trying to explain.

MiniMe Mom said...

Mar, I cannot get to your blog anymore through your profile. I might need the direct link.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge tank in my basement...You can alway's fill up at my house...No Charge :)


Mary said...

I cancelled it, nothing exciting to say.