Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Senior Pranks

Yesterday morning, Josh was playing pick up ball at East Kentwood High School when a teacher interupted them in the gym.
"Did you hear that school is cancelled today?" he asked the other players, most of which were fellow teachers at East Kentwood High.
None of them had heard the news, so they continued playing. Two minutes later, one of the head teachers received a phone call asking them to evacuate the school.

Bomb Threat.

Although I would not classify this as a senior prank, that is what it was. Kids must be losing their creativity. Even though it was a million years ago, our senior pranks were awesome- throwing water balloons at freshman, hiding open tuna fish in library books, dying the lawn at school with the year of our class, letting a pig loose in the hallway, hanging bras in the trees.

My mom's class moved the Principal's car into the creek. I am not sure he was so happy about that one. So, what about you? Any good ones?


Triplet Mom said...

My class stunk, however I did hear of a prank in years past where some guys I know emptied all the textbooks into the dumpster outside school. To their shock, the garbage was picked up early the next morning! Oops! I think that was how it went.

tami said...

I ran across chapel my senior year with friends as we spelled Seniors. Not very exciting but it was quite brave for me to ditch chapel and "streak".

Some of us just have sad rebellion streaks.

Michelle said...

Tami it wouldn't be so sad if you were streaking (nude)

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly, Chelle....In fact, that was my first thought, Tami....that you were nude.

No senior pranks to report from my end...everyone was probably too drunk. (with the exception of me, of course ;) )

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am offically scared for life, Tami how could you? The seniors at my school put a VW bug on the roof of the school. It was sweet looking but took a lot of work getting it down. How did we (I mean they) do it?