Monday, June 11, 2007

Pastor Scott Leaving???

Look out into the crowd after church, and you will see many people talking and milling about. My husband will not be one of them. Immediately once church is out, he heads--or should I say runs--for the door.

Before we were married, he got into the habit of leaving before the final song to avoid the "yappers" as he likes to call people like me. I really like "yapping", so now we stay for the final song; I head for the people, he heads for the door.

When I am in nursery, we drive separately to church. Some of the kids were getting a little antsy for mom and dad to come back, so I looked to see if the service was finished. Who did I see trying to slyly sneak out the door unnoticed during the final song? You guessed it.

Arriving home a bit later, Josh was sitting at the kitchen table. Following is our conversation:
Jamie: "Hey, I have to know. What did they say about Pastor Scott leaving the church?"
Josh: "What?" looking befuddled. "Oh, I am not sure.."
Jamie:"They said at the end of the service that Pastor Scott was leaving. What did they say about it?"
Josh: Scratching his head, and looking at me confused. " I don't really know. I must have missed that part."
Jamie:"You don't even remember hearing anything about it? They made the announcement at the end of the service. You do not remember at all what they had to say?"
Josh" "No, I am sorry- I think I missed it."
Jamie:"Could it be because you were not present?"
Josh: Laughing, hysterically. "Busted"

Sometimes it's just plain fun to mess with Josh.

That'll teach. Being 6'8" has its disadvantage-- no such thing as sneaking discreetly out the door early.


Katie said...

Funny - that sounds really familiar :) Scott would do the same thing if I let him!

Anonymous said...

Brent does this too! Must be a guy thing...

Michelle said...

Dan used to be that way, now he's the yapper.
go figure.

Laurie said...

Good one. I read your blog entry title and thought, "no way, Pastor Scott is leaving????" ;)

My kids have taken to saying, "stop chit-chatting mom". The nurse at the dr. this morning actually kept yapping and as Paige sat on the examining table she said, "is this a dr. appt. or chit-chat time?" Nice kid, nice.

Anonymous said...

I like to stay and work the crowd esp if there are cookies around. What you did to Josh sounds a lot like I do to Jude but she is only about 5'2". I love start a rumor with her: "Did you hear who is on Prenatal?" Just kidding.