Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pet Peeve of the Week

Perhaps having the flu made me cranky, but these things annoyed me this week.

In descending order:

3. Wearing your sunglasses indoors. At ten o'clock at night. I might understand if we, you know, actually had sunlight here in Michigan.

2. Using text language in real life. Hearing WTH? or LOL or TTYL roll off a person's tongue just doesn't seem natural.

1. I am not opposed to dog sweaters, or canine clothes for that matter. I don't mind dog purses, but I don't love puppy strollers. What really annoys me most of all is....dog shoes. It just seems inhumane. I have yet to see a dog walking normally while wearing a pair of boots.

I suppose it could be worse, though....

I am guessing they are not Louboutins.

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