Tuesday, February 08, 2011

A Year in the Making

Last year, I went to New York with Michelle and Katie. The second day there, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

I was thrilled.

Unfortunately, the day after we got home, it was confirmed that I lost that pregnancy.

I was crushed.

We decided to take six months off, and save some money for the IVF process. It has been a difficult road, to say the least. Day after day, I poured my heart out through a private blog, recording my feelings (and thankful for an outlet to vent about the process). As time went on, Michelle, Natalie, and Cara were so involved with cheering me on, crying with me, and uplifting me that it become my way of communicating with the three of them.

In the past few days, I have shared the link with more and more friends going through the process. It can be really helpful to know you are not alone, what to expect, etc. You are welcome to check it out here:


I am breaking precedence and outing myself early (I am 6 weeks, 4 days pregnant). I know all of you old school moms are cringing:-) But, I really feel like I need the prayers. Please pray for my acceptance of God's will for this baby, no matter what. 33 more weeks feels like a LOOONNGG time.

Our precious bean, Baby Birdie Number Three. Due October 1, 2011.


Michelle said...

I love u guys and love this little birdie #3
To God alone be the glory!!!!!! Thanks for doing life with us you know we will bathe this pregnancy in prayer.

Sally said...

My little guy is an IVF baby. You hang in there. Let me know if you need anything! I'm happy to have your boys play...send them over the fence!

natalie said...

Can't wait to meet little birdie! We love you guys!

Jen C said...

Jamie, I'm so happy for you. And I will send prayers your way. I, too, was similar in how I approached my pregnancies too. I knew that if I had lost one of them I would need the support from my family and friends.

Congratulations to you, Josh and the boys! xo

Kami/The Elegant Elle said...

I'm hoping that I will have a due date not too far behind yours ;-)

I am so happy for you Jamie, what a blessing and I will be praying for you constantly and your precious little bean!

Bethany said...

Oh, how I SO wish I was joining you with a EDD of October 2011. :( Sigh. I'm so happy for you and praying, praying that you have a happy, healthy pregnancy!