Thursday, November 12, 2009

The most peculiar thing has been happening around here lately.
Perhaps it has happened to you.

This morning, we were in the usual rush to get to school. I have all morning, yet somehow the minutes tick by until we are in an all out panic to eat lunch and brush teeth before heading out the door.

It was a particularly difficult morning to begin with. I woke up to a bag of chocolate chips strewn all over the counter and play doh being smashed in my carpet. By the time each boy took a bath and got me appropriately drenched in water, I knew we were already in trouble with the time.

I asked Kayden to brush his teeth.

Kayden: "I don't want to brush my teeth, mom."

Me: "Well, brush them anyway, K. Your teeth need a good cleaning after all the Halloween candy you have eaten."

Kayden: " When I am an adult, I am never going to brush my teeth. I will let them go all day without brushing them."

Before I knew it, out of my mouth came the strangest thing. Spoken in the same tone and with the very inflection my mother used, "When you are a grown up, you can do whatever you like. However, while you are in my house, you will abide by my rules."

I almost shrieked in horror. How many times growing up did I swear I would never say that to my child? I would be the cool mom that let them do whatever they want.

Have I mentioned parent teacher conferences are this week? Makes for a long couple of days with the boys.

Kayden got a new Hot Wheels track for his birthday, and it kills Bryce to be in the playroom and not able to play with it too. The fighting always ensues, though, because Bryce's playing involves wrecking some part of the track. Whether he collapses a ramp or unhooks the is inevitable that they cannot play with it without fighting. Errr.....screaming at each other.
The very same day that I astoundingly came to the conclusion that I was turning into Jan and Dale, I caught myself yelling "Can I just have ONE minute without fighting? PLEASE. ONE minute where you pretend to love each other."

The self realization that I am, in fact, turning in to Jan and Dale is humbling indeed.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I would like to hear what Jan has to say about this ... LOL!