Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

It just seems like we get sicker and sicker around here. We are all now officially wiped out- excluding Josh. He never gets sick! Newborn sleep is not that great to begin with, but adding a stuffy nose to the mix has made it really difficult for Bryce to sleep. I am just bummed because I really love the Mother's Day service at church, and hate to miss it this morning.
Two things have made me appreciate this day even more this year:
First and most obvious, the birth of Bryce. Becoming a mom the second time around has made me really appreciate the incredible gift that God entrusted us with. When we got Carmelo the dog, many people said that having two dogs was easier than just having one and we found that true. This principle is not the same with kids! Having two, for us, has been so much harder since Kayden was at such an easy age. All the work and crying and diaper changes is worth it, though, to have this incredible gift in our life. I almost forget what life was ever like without him.
Second, I mentioned this on the my business blog, but a friend of mine was about three weeks from delivery and found out Monday her child is no longer living. She just had him yesterday. If you have a minute, I would encourage you to take time to read her journey-- her faith inspires me and makes me appreciate being a second time mom all over again.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!

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