Monday, March 17, 2008

Lesson Learned?


The year was 1998; Josh was home visiting for Spring Break. I was in my junior year of college at GVSU, and taking a pretty tough political science course. An 8-page paper on voting systems and electoral behavior was due the next day. I, of course, had not even started it thinking I would work on the entire thing the night prior.

Josh suggested going to his Aunt and Uncle's beach house on Lake Michigan, and after an afternoon spent walking on the beach he proposed. Writing a paper was now the last thing on my mind. Giddy and excited, I wanted to call friends and celebrate. However, I was stuck by the computer typing away all night as Josh slept on the pool table adjacent to the computer.

Man, not a lot has changed in 10 years.

We had our tax appointment tonight and I pulled two all-nighters to get my books up to date. Blogger Nation, who is with me? Any procrastinators out there? What a huge relief to be finished. Apple juice, anyone?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

oh you know procrastination is my middle name.
but, I would say you are ahead of the game. taxes are not due until Apr. 15, so you aren't procrastinating at all! the question still remains...Did Josh sleep on the pool table last night too?