Monday, November 13, 2006

Making a Difference

Every second Saturday of the month, Josh and I attend a "Growing Kids God's Way" Bible Study. We love the group and have a lot of fun together. Josh and I both look forward to going every month.

So, this past Saturday, my parents came over to watch Kayden. Fifteen minutes before we were about to leave I realized I had eaten something wrong (could it have been the two hour old hot dog I was served at the craft show?) As Winnie the Pooh says "It made my tummy rather rumbly." Still, we loaded in the car and headed down the road. We got about half way there and I told Josh that we need to turn around.

Once we got home, I realized we probably should call so they did not wait for us. We tried the number listed in the church directory- wrong number. We looked it up online- wrong number. Finally, I knew that they had a couple of family members that go to our church, so I called one. I did not think he even knew who were. He not only knew who I was, but he knew about Kayden and Josh. I have to tell you, I was really impressed. There have been a few times in the nursery lately that I try to pick Kayden up and they pass me three different kids. I would understand if they confused him with another boy, but most of the time they hand me a girl. So, it was pretty amazing that this guy, whom I have probably talked to once, remembered me. It made me feel valid and important and it is a point I want to remember. Having an impact can sometimes be something so little, but it makes a huge difference to someone else.


Michelle said...

Did Kayden turn out OK?

I am glad that you had a positive experience with this situation. that is so bizarre that the nursery folk would hand you a girl :0

MiniMe Mom said...

It is not a big deal that they handed me a girl. I just thought it was a little odd. I work the nursery so I know how many kids there are and it is hard to keep them all straight.

Kayden does not mind the nursery actually. He used to SCREAM everytime I put him in there. Does Joy like the nursery? You guys have gone to that church so long this probably doesn't happen with your little ones.

Anonymous said...

Hey, loved the pictures of Josh in the fisherman boat. Kayden is getting so big I don't even recognize him! Brig