Thursday, August 24, 2006

I feel for Single Moms

Josh recently went to California for 2 weeks to visit friends. Two things came to mind: "I wish I was going with him", and "I can easily take care of Kayden all day since I do it while Josh is in school."

How wrong I was! Here are a few of the duties we normally share: Late night flower watering, vacuuming the pool with a nine foot pole, taking out the garbage(how many of you know the smell of old dirty diapers), feedings, laundry, picking up the four cracker items a day that Kayden dumps out, naptime, nighttime, did I mention the dog food that is usually spilled all over the floor?

It made me realize that is is so much easier when there is someone to share duties. I had grand ideas of putting Kayden to bed at nine and having some time to read or relax. It ended up that I was really busy with work, too so that did not help.

I feel for the single moms out there...

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