Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wonder Hanger

The Wonder Hanger Commercial comes on, detailing how it will triple my closet space and lead to all sorts of wonderful organizational joys. All for the low, low price of $9.95. If I hurry, and act quick, they will double my order.

K: Hey, Mom and Dad, look at the hanger!
Josh: Yeah, K, we don't need that.
K: But it is only $9.99
Josh: But we don't need it
K: But I do!
Josh: Do you want it for your birthday?
Me: Instead of a Car or Train?
K: Well, No.
K, after thinking a minute: I guess you could just buy me both?

What kid wants a set of Wonder Hangers for their birthday? He MUST possess his father's affinity for gimmick products.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Grandma and Grandpa must REALLY love these kids to squeeze into the tiny playhouse.

Poor Melo

Poor Cali

Poor Mom to have to pick up all the toys.

Poor Melo and Cali.

Wanna guess the word they were saying {over and over} that made them smile?

Kisses for Melo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You have to be 100

"You have to be 100 before you get to go to Heaven", I always tell Kayden.

In retrospect, it probably is not the best answer. It was late at night when we were talking about it, and he asked how old you have to be. 100 seemed like a good round figure.

The other day we were driving and Kayden was asking me all sorts of questions about dying. Why Tia was only 8 when she went to heaven, what happened to my grandparents, how old were they when they went to heaven.

K: Mom, but what will happen when you are 100?
Me: Well, then I will be in heaven with Jesus.

I heard slight sniffling and I could tell he was processing this.

K: But then I will be here and you will be in heaven and then I won't have a mom anymore.
Me: Kayden, I know it does not make sense to you. Just don't worry about it now. You have along time before I turn 100. When you are an adult, this will all make more sense.
K: But what about Grandma?
Me: What about Grandma, honey?
K, crying even harder: Well, she is almost 100!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I really do {heart} NY.

I have always wanted to visit New York City, and she did not disappoint.

I love the feeling of walking through Times Square with thousands of people milling about, the distinct feeling down in the Village, or strolling along the Hudson to see the Statue of Liberty.

Being able to eat food hot or NOT have to remember to bring diapers/wipes/stroller/etc. was also a plus:-)

I have to apologize, as the pictures are somewhat out of order.

Leaving the city. Goodbye New York...'til next time

There are so many unique buildings and cafes. I feel like I could spend a few weeks here and barely get a glimpse.

After singing karaoke, we walked to a little diner to grab some dessert.

Singing karaoke.

I really loved that I got to spend some time with Dana. See where City Grace church was, and also where she lives.

Top of the Rock

In front of the skating rink at Rockefeller Plaza. Can you guess how many times we had to take this picture?

Times Square

The Toys R Us Candyland section.

Times Square again.

Thanks to Josh for surprising me with such a wonderful trip and taking such good care of the boys while I was away (thanks also, mom!:-).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A little update

Lately, something has been heavy on my mind.

One of the first symptoms when Bryce was first starting the downward decline into severe anemia was that he was really clingy. He wanted to be held all. the. time.

Lately, I started noticing much of the same. In the last week, he reverted to wanting to be held all the time, he was playing far less, he is back to cuddling and wanting to be rocked, and was just generally whiny all day. His coloring was again pale (well, pale for Bryce LOL)

I called up to the Ped Hematologist to find out what I should do. She told me it would be worth a Complete Blood Count to see where he is at after all this time, and make sure his levels are normal.

My mom came over at 9 this morning to watch Kayden, and we headed off for more labs. I hate to say I was worried....but I was worried.

I am so thankful to update you that all is completely normal. Whether it is a minor funk he is in or just a stage he will outgrow, all his blood counts and hemoglobin look normal.

Praise God!:-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Good find?

A lot of what I do for MiniMe BabyGear is try to find new products. Search the web for the next great invention.

Sometimes I find the coolest stuff- like the lollipop onesies or the crochet baby flower hat I just added. Then tonight I came across this knit beard for a man and busted a gut. It's creative, I will give them that!

I know. This blog post is seriously lacking.

I just don't have anything new, though, people. So, enjoy the bearded man for a few days while I find something inspiring to blog about.

Monday, February 08, 2010


If you are here because you received a Random Act of Kindness....welcome!

I would love to take this opportunity to share why you were given a FREE GIFT.

Simply Put: I have tasted God's goodness in HIS FREE GIFT, and want to share that freedom with others.

God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. We did nothing to deserve it. We have to do nothing but accept it (kind of like your "Random Act of Kindness").

John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."

Romans 3:22-24 "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified FREELY by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (emphasis mine)

1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins, and to purify us from all unrighteousness."

Accepting Jesus Christ is as simple as accepting that Christ is who He says He is, and that His death on the cross was for you. It is available to all- no matter how horrible your sins, or how long it has taken to accept it.

There are absolutely no strings attached to your Random Act of Kindness. Just a simple girl, saved by grace, wanting you to feel the love God has for us in sending His son to die and save us from eternal separation from Him. If you would love to talk more about this, please contact me at
If you are here because you received a Random Act of Kindness Card...welcome!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

A Boy and His Pipe

20 months went by with no pacifier in sight.
About two months ago, Bryce found a pink pacifier. Ever since then, he has fallen in love.
I should have taken all pacifiers out of the house STAT when he started showing an interest, but I never thought it would lead to this current obsession.
I have a feeling it is going to be really hard to break this bad habit.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Little Terror

Wearing a cape is a MUST on top of the playhouse.
The terrible twos have arrived early, and are keeping me on my toes. Or rather my knees cleaning up mess after mess. Today I found my dental floss floating in the toilet.
Kayden has asked me when it will be time for summer, "I'm sick of wearing pants."
I think we all are ready to play outside again.